Before we begin
Before you show Me who you are
And I show you what you are made of
I get centered in Myself
Each choice will be deliberate
Each movement crafted
For your unraveling…
The unraveling that reveals the soul
My power comes
Not through the purpose of the crop
But your willingness to surrender
To Me…
To the moment…
To your deepest fears...
Everyone’s buttons are different.
Everyone’s longing, the same.
My power comes
In this basic understanding.
If you are praying in My Church
If I have accepted you as a servant or disciple
I will keep My own center
As I help you find your’s
We all need a reason...
A Diety
A Goddess or God
To start us on the journey…
A reason beyond ourselves
On the journey to ourselves
But the greater journeys
Are the ones yet to come.
True faith is revealed in
And growth
If you are at My feet, I have chosen to pray with you
To take your confession
Absolve your sins
And perhaps, baptize you in your own tears
These rituals I give only to true believers
I spend time and effort preparing
The alter,
The sermon,
And Myself
To offer Myself
And be taken as fantasy
Is blasphemy
It depletes My soul, and drains My light
To engage false believers
And fraudulent prayers are never answered anyway...
This communion is only offered to the true believers
Atheists need not apply.